Police monitoring social media of group related to IS

Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Acryl Sani Abdullah Sani

KUALA LUMPUR - Police are closely monitoring the activities of a group on social media which is said to be linked to the Islamic State (IS) in the country.

Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Acryl Sani Abdullah Sani said several local media have reported that there were activities carried out by the group related to the IS on social media in Malaysia.


"The news reports were based on information obtained from the Nordic Counter Terrorism Network from Finland,” he said in a statement, today.

Acryl said the police have already been tracing and would continuously monitor closely the spread of IS propaganda through social media.


The spreading of the propaganda, he said was the group's way to gain support.

"One of the measures taken by the police was by collaborating closely with other security agencies to monitor the spreading of such propaganda so that action could be taken against those who are found to be involved,” he said.


He said all agencies played an active role and surveillance has been increased to ensure safety from such threats.

He advised people not to worry about news on such activities by the group that supported the IS.


He said based on the current situation, police have given assurance that the level of security in the country was still under control.

"At the same time, the police are committed in ensuring that action would be taken against those involved in any activities which would disrupt public order without compromise for the sake of the the country’s well-being,” he added.