'I'm taking a break from politics', says KJ

Khairy's first day at work as Hot FM DJ (left) and the day of his nomination at GE15 (right)

SHAH ALAM - Former health minister Khairy Jamaluddin says he is merely taking a break and not stepping out of the world of politics yet.

He said this during his first day at work as a DJ at Hot FM.

"I'm taking a break currently," he said while on the Bekpes Hot with DJ Johan and AG.


They further asked Khairy on the reasons for majoring in politics and why he was interested in the field.

"Yes, I studied economy and politics at a university in England.


"In 1997. What about you (Johan) when will you go (study in England)? I finished during that year and did my masters in London.

"My interest (developed) in politics because I like helping others. Sorry for such a serious answer," he said.


Johan responded with how he liked helping others but he had no interest in politics.

Khairy said Johan had helped others through his job as a radio announcer.


"He's smart at twisting words," Johan said.

"Of course, I'm a politician after all," the former Rembau MP replied.

Khairy's spontaneous response broke the atmosphere at the radio station.

It was previously reported that Khairy's appearance as a Hot FM announcer will spice up the Bekpes Hot Slot by discussing serious and leisure chats.

Hot FM had offered Khairy a position as a DJ every Monday to Friday from 6am to 10am through Instagram @hotfm976.