Pro-Anwar NGO calls for PM to retract Nurul Izzah appointment

Syed Putra Syed Isa, Gerak secretary general
SHAH ALAM - Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim has been urged to review the appointment of his daughter Nurul Izzah Anwar as his senior economic and financial advisor, citing decades of calls by the Reformasi movement led by the Prime Minister himself, that stood against the practice of nepotism in previous administrations.

Pertubuhan Perubahan Rakyat (Gerak) secretary general Syed Putra Syed Isa said despite the Prime Minister's claims that former Permatang Pauh member of parliament Nurul Izzah was not being paid a salary nor given any alowances, it still did not diminish the fact the appointment is viewed as nepotism at a critical level, in the management of the nation's finances.

"It is not about whether she receives a salary or not. Nurul Izzah already receives a pension as a former member of parliament. The matter of giving her a chance should not arise because then it would be the same as daughters of other leaders needing to be given a chance as well," said Syed Putra, adding that the appointment had set the wrong precedent which went against Anwar's own 'Reformasi' battle cry.

"This is a matter of the original principles of the 'Reformasi' movement set forth by Anwar's Permatang Pauh Decrlaration in 1998. Acting against these principles would simply spell the death of 'Reformasi'. As such I would like to express our disappointment over the matter and urge Anwar to reconsider such appointments," said Syed Putra.

The call from the pro-Anwar movement Gerak comes after Nurul Izzah announced in an interview with a local daily that she had been appointed the senior economic and financial advisor to the Prime Minister and had commenced her duties on Jan 3, after which Anwar himself justified the appointment by stating he had invited his daughter to assume the role and that the appointment came without any remuneration.