Drawbridge, giant wau bulan replica in GE15 campaign become attractions

Giant wau bulan replica

BESUT - The atmosphere of the campaigns held for the 15th General Election (GE15) are lively especially with the youths' creativity building a replica of the Kuala Terengganu Drawbridge in Kampung Gong Nangka, Jabi, here.

Kampung Gong Nangka Pas youth committee member Mohammad Ramzi Ibrahim, 25, said the idea of ​​building a replica of the Terengganu's iconic bridge came about after he and his friends wanted to create something different in the general election, this time.


"In GE14, we built a replica of a tank and because Terengganu is now popular with the drawbridge, we agreed and chose to build it this time," he said when contacted on Wednesday.

He said the replica of the over seven-metre long bridge was built by eight men in the evening after their working hours and continued through the night until 2am.


Mohammad Ramzi said using bamboo as the frame, wood pellets for the floor, wrapped with the Pas flag and decorated with twinkling lights, it took three weeks to build it and it was completed last Monday.

"We are happy that this bridge is visited by many people to take pictures including from Kelantan. They said they knew about this drawbridge replica through TikTok," he said.

Giant wau bulan replica


Meanwhile, at the Anak Ikan low-cost Public Housing (PAKR) here, a group of residents also took the initiative to build a giant "wau bulan" (traditional kite) replica measuring 18 feet wide and 19 feet high which was the largest they have ever made so far.

Its chairman Mohd Azri Hashim said the replica was made using bamboo found in the nearby area, fabric from existing Pas flag and only rubber tubes to tie the kite to make it stronger and more stable.


"The process of making the wau bulan replica took three days with the cooperation of eight residents during the night. We also installed twinkling lights so that it looks beautiful and attractive at night.

"All of us are not experts in making wau bulan, but we agreed to try to produce them together as a sign of love and moral support for the party," he said.