Terengganu BN capable of helping people in event of floods - Ahmad

Ahmad Said - Bernama Photo
CHUKAI - Terengganu Barisan Nasional (BN) is always in a state of preparedness to help the public in the event of a flood disaster in the state, said its chairman Datuk Seri Ahmad Said.

"Each year UMNO and BN will help (flood victims). Floods happen every year; it is not a problem for us because it is our duty. There is no issue here actually.

"We are the largest machinery to offer help. I used to take my own boat and go out to help flood victims. We also have our own special squad to cook and offer other kinds of assistance,” he said.

Ahmad, who is the BN candidate for the Kemaman parliamentary seat in the 15th general election (GE15), said this after meeting people at the Kampung Dusun Nyior Permanent Farmers Market near here today. - BERNAMA