Najib's case: Umno needs to move on immediately

Umno urged to move forward to win GE15. (Right: Azleen)

PASIR GUDANG – Umno no longer needs to be entangled in Datuk Seri Najib Razak's court case and needs to move forward immediately.

Umno Youth Exco Noor Azleen Ambros said the move should be made to ensure the party's victory, especially in the 15th General Election (GE15).


He said Umno’s long history proved that the party and all its fights had never been entangled with any individual.

"No matter how great the charisma and influence of the individuals in Umno, the service that has been sown has only been made possible because Umno supported them.


"In light of what happened to Najib, Umno needs to move on and move forward," he said in a statement on Monday.

Azleen, who is also the Pasir Gudang Division Youth Chief said the current situation left Umno with little and minimal choice.


He said all the concentration and focus were only for the absolute win in GE15.

"To immediately move on is one of the limited options available so that Umno is not shackled by the actual big picture which needs to be given focus.


"When Najib had proved that the party has never been used as a tool or shield for him to take refuge, let alone defend himself, Umno had proven that the party had never been a compromise on values and integrity,” he said.

Azreen said Umno had the right to grieve as a show of sympathy for what happened to the former prime minister.

Hence, he wanted all parties to continue to pray that Najib's family would be given the strength and perseverance to face all the trials of his terms.