MACC to implement KIAR module for TVET students beginning Sept

The initiative was taken to create awareness among young people not to be involved in corruption that can be damaging to society and the country. - Bernama Photo
CHUKAI - The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) will implement anti-corruption training for Technical and Vocational Education Training (TVET) students using the Integrity and Anti-Corruption Course Module (KIAR) beginning early next month

MACC Community Education Division director, Datuk Razim Mohd Noor said the KIAR module, which was from the same syllabus developed for Higher Learning Institutions (IPT) had been reviewed and approved by the relevant parties.

He said, currently the Training for Trainers course was being run to build a pool of competent instructors to teach the KIAR module in the TVET institutions involved.

"We had to make some modifications to the original module used for IPTs because the marking and evaluation for TVET students will not be the same as university students," he told a press conference after the launch of Steel Hawk Berhad's organisational anti-corruption plan here today.

Also present was Steel Hawk's deputy chairman Datuk Sharman K. Michael who led the corruption-free pledge ceremony which was attended by 52 staff members.

Besides incorporating topics on integrity and ethics, former corruption offenders would also be present to share their experiences and punishments received as a result of the crime.

He said the initiative was taken to create awareness among young people not to be involved in corruption that can be damaging to society and the country.

"We hope that this kind of exposure will touch the hearts of young people more deeply so that they will not fall into the trap and make the same mistake," he said. - BERNAMA