UK PM Boris Johnson to face confidence vote

Appointed prime minister in 2019, Johnson has been under growing pressure, unable to move on from a report that documented alcohol-fuelled parties at the heart of power when Britain was under strict lockdowns to tackle Covid-19.

LONDON - Tory MPs will take a vote of confidence in British Prime Minister Boris Johnson's leadership on Monday evening, the party’s 1922 Committee chairman Sir Graham Bradley said.

The announcement came after speculations over the Jubilee weekend that the threshold of 15 per cent MPs was reached.


Bradley said the confidence vote will be held this evening between 6pm and 8pm and the result will be announced shortly after, Anadolu Agency reported.

If Johnson loses the vote, he will have to resign as prime minister and a leadership contest will start immediately after.


Johnson has been harshly criticised for months over the lockdown parties at Downing Street. - BERNAMA