Corruption affects country’s economy, social ecosystem

Widespread corruption and malpractice can affect the country's economic development and social ecosystem.

SHAH ALAM – Widespread corruption and malpractice can affect the country's economic development and social ecosystem.


Angkatan Belia Islam Malaysia Secretary-General Mohammad Fazril Mohd Saleh said corruption made the wealthy wealthier and stabilised their power while the public remained pressured.

"With the widespread of corruption, those who have the qualifications, quality and capability would be eliminated while the mediocre would gain a place.


"Other than that, the main strategic sectors in the country would be led by irresponsible parties that will maintain this corrupt culture,” he told Rasuah Busters recently.

He stressed that corruption, if not contained, would destroy principles and undermine moral values and religion.


"It’s worst if there is a corrupt individual who uses religion to justify their wrongdoing.

"From governance and legal aspects, corruption could make an unqualified individual a leader, a criminal not guilty and an incompetent person to be given the power to make crucial decisions for the country.


"This will end up victimising the public. Those who practice corruption are just like wild animals, will not be satisfied and will continue to do it,” he said.

Fazril added the main reason behind corrupt activities was the loss of ethos.

"Malaysian cannot lose its ethos. The corruption phenomenon is not our ethos,” he said.