Make healthy chips out of your tortilla wrap and pair it with this tasty dip!
Serving size: One
1 wrap (cut into triangles)
1 cheddar cheese topping
1/2 cup spinach
1 teaspoon dried parsley
1 chopped sausage
1/2 cup bolognese sauce
1 teaspoon of white pepper
1. Put the cut up tortilla wrap into the air fryer and cook it for 10 minutes at 180c.
2. In a bowl, mix the bolognese, sausage, white pepper, spinach, parsley and top it off with cheese.
3. Take out the tortilla chips from the air fryer and replace it with the mixture, cook it for 14 minutes at 180 celsius.
4. Once the dipping sauce is ready, pour it into a bowl and serve it with the chips.