Missing girl found safe after boarding school van

The missing eight-year-old had boarded a school van when she was meant to be picked up by her grandmother after school. (Source: Sinar Harian)

KUALA LUMPUR - A year two student of Sekolah Kebangsaan Taman Midah 1 here who was reported missing after school ended was found safe on Wednesday.

The grandfather, Datuk Azman Mahmood, said his eight-year-old granddaughter was found safe by residents at a condominium in Pudu.


"I was informed that my granddaughter was safe to be found at about 9.30pm," he said when contacted yesterday.

Azman said she was believed to have mistakenly boarded a school van which then dropped the child off at the condominium.


"A resident had found my granddaughter at the security guard’s hut, before contacting the police,” he said.

Azman said his wife was supposed to pick her up from school at 5.30pm but was nowhere to be seen on the school grounds when she arrived.


Cheras District Police Chief Assistant Commissioner Muhammad Idzam Jaafar when contacted confirmed receiving a police report on the disappearance of the student before the child was later found safe.
