For Juliza Ameruddin, her chronic illness is not an obstacle to obtain a degree

Juliza received the degree presented by Tan Sri Dr Abi Musa Asaari at the 15th UMP Convocation Ceremony at the Perak Jubilee Hall of Sultan Haji Ahmad Shah for the third session on Friday.

KUANTAN - Chronic asthma is not an obstacle for a graduate from Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP), Juliza Ameruddin, 36 to continue to fight for a degree

Her 11-year struggle paid off when she finally received her coveted degree at the 15th UMP Convocation Ceremony at Sultan Haji Ahmad Shah Silver Jubilee Hall here last Friday.


Juliza had to attend the convocation ceremony using a respirator due to her chronic asthma condition.

The Bachelor of Computer Science (Graphics and Multimedia Technology) graduate now has to rely on an oxygen gas tank to help her breathe.


Juliza said she was diagnosed with Brittle Asthma in 2007 and her condition became chronic in 2010 that she had to be intubated 115 times in the hospital.

Juliza received the degree presented by Tan Sri Dr Abi Musa Asaari at the 15th UMP Convocation Ceremony at the Perak Jubilee Hall of Sultan Haji Ahmad Shah for the third session on Friday.

According to her, she was still healthy when she registered to study at UMP in 2009, but in her third year of study, her condition became chronic to the point of paralysis and had subsequently received a People with Disabilities (PwD) card.


"Since then, I often postponed my studies but the enthusiasm to study has never faded.

"I was touched when UMP gave me the opportunity to continue my studies after postponing it for six years due to health problems," she said.


The eldest of the five siblings said that the success she achieved came from the support and encouragement from people around her who have helped her, especially UMP, family and friends.

"Throughout the studies, UMP has helped me in terms of finance, logistics for classes, providing business space on campus and more.

"The faculty also helped a lot throughout my studies by providing online classes.

"After graduating in January 2021, I was offered a job at UMP Holdings as a Corporate Strategic Assistant, but after a year, I decided to resign due to health problems and to focus on my food business," she said.

Juliza proves that her illnes is not a barrier for her to fight for a degree.

She also recalled the memories back when she was in the hospital where there was a time when her illness was very critical and there was no hope of recovery.

"However, thanks to the patience and prayers of everyone, Alhamdulillah I am still given the opportunity to breathe until now.

"My source of inspiration and strength is of course from my father, Ameruddin Zakaria and mother, Nuraini Mat Piah who have sacrificed a lot in raising me," she said.

Juliza received the degree presented by UMP Pro-Chancellor, Tan Sri Dr Abi Musa Asa’ari Mohamed Nor at the 15th UMP Convocation Ceremony for the third session on Friday.