Worrying trends of child sexual crimes

Siti Khamsiah said children had yet to reach a certain maturity level thus they do not know the difference between what is good and what is bad. (Source: BERNAMA)

SHAH ALAM - Child sexual crimes are at an alarming level and this is mainly influenced by pornographic content consumed on social media platforms.

Bukit Aman Sexual, Women and Child Investigations Division (D11) principal assistant director Assistant Commissioner Siti Kamsiah Hassan revealed that such cases saw a significant increase recently and the numbers continue to rise.


She said records showed that there were 405 victims reported for a period of two years since 2020, which includes children.

"For 2020, there are 166 victims consisting of 30 males and 136 females.


"There are three victims involving the age of six to nine years; six victims aged 10 to 12; 12 victims aged13 to 15, and 25 victims aged 16 to 18; while the remaining 120 victims were 18-years old and above,” she said when met with Sinar Harian recently.

For last year (2021), there were a total of 239 sexual crimes victims consisting of 43 males and 196 females.


This number, she said, includes one victim under six-years old, six to nine-years old with 16 victims, 10 to 12-years old with 38 victims, aged 13 to 15 with 35 victims, aged 16 to 18 with 31 victims and the remaining 118 victims aged 18 and above.

Siti Kamsiah said the police managed to detain 196 suspects; 69 people in 2020 and 127 people in 2021.


She said although the numbers seemed small, it worrying to see such a trend escalating.

"Crimes like this are easy to develop and expand further with the existence of available technology now, where it has been cultivated into the culture in today’s society.

"Although the number of cases is not large, it is still worrying because we can see it grow regardless of age group," she said.

Siti Kamsiah said pedophiles exist in our society and their victims can be boys or girls, regardless of gender.

"There is no point denying this. Fact is pedophiles have a tendency to choose victims of the same gender even”

"When access is easy, everything can be achieved on the internet with the advancement of technology, it is expected that crimes involving internet platforms and social media will continue to grow, especially child sexual cases," she said.

Siti Kamsiah cited a case involving a seven-year old boy sexually abusing a six-year old girl after watching too many pornographic videos.

The boy had lifted the victim’s skirt before raping her, she said, adding that he had emulated what he had seen on the screen.

"Children have yet to reach a certain maturity level thus they do not know the difference between what is good and what is bad.

"They are not able to comprehend that what they are watching - for example pornographic content - is bad thus making them either victims or perpetrators, as have the need to act on it.

"Maybe to them, it is not something wrong as they do not understand the consequence and impact of such actions. They are children and children feel excited when trying out new things,” she said.

Siti Kamsiah said there were also numerous cases involving children receiving text messages from individuals on social media platforms to "berkenalan” (get acquainted) and get into relationships or become lovers, and ask them to share nude photos.

"In fact, findings also showed some people committing acts to drive children’s sexual desires and interest.

"When the child is too exposed to sexual content and acts, their sexuality will mature ahead of his mental capabilities and thoughts. These children will not be able to control their lust which drives them to act on certain things beyond their boundaries,” she explained.